"Making Connections" ✋✌👆👉👋✋👌👆👐👏
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there!
I'm back on Long Island this week to celebrate my own Dad on Father's Day. He's 93 now and some of you may remember him from his escapades while we were growing up in Mayfair. The most memorable, I think, was one Halloween when he got made up with ratty clothes and a theatrical mixture of maple syrup, oatmeal flakes and mom's make-up on his face and went out to terrorize the neighborhood kids as some lumbering, moaning and groaning hunchback.
I passed him on my way home as he was headed out and ran home to report the scary man to mom who just said, "That was your father."
It wasn't a half hour later that he came home through the back door, ran to the bathroom, washed and changed while it seemed the whole neighborhood was gathering on our front lawn.
"We know he's in there!", "Send him out!" My Dad finally opened the front door to address the costumed crowd that had gathered on our lawn and Iris lane to proclaim his innocence. They were taking none of it but they finally left to pursue other Halloween mischief.
Another Pop-up Reunion
Making connections while searching for all our classmates, I promised to meet up with Jackie Vero Moramarco, a Mayfair friend since we started kindergarden at Marion Carll Elementary. One thing led to another and we arranged a luncheon at the Cheesecake Factory at Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove.
In attendance with me and Jackie were (around the table); Hallie Duvall Gatto, Deb Felten Cannarelli, Barbara Smith Rubino, Marion Davey Bernholz, Donna Degregorio Massaro and Barbara Lachick Dworkin.

We chatted away for three hours and conversations were going in all directions. It wasn't till near the end that Jackie and Barbara Smith Rubino finally made the connection that their granddaughters have been best friends for years and Barbara's granddaughter attends Jackie's yearly Halloween parties! Small world indeed!
We have more pictures of our pop-up reunion on our facebook page at;
More Connections!In attendance with me and Jackie were (around the table); Hallie Duvall Gatto, Deb Felten Cannarelli, Barbara Smith Rubino, Marion Davey Bernholz, Donna Degregorio Massaro and Barbara Lachick Dworkin.

We chatted away for three hours and conversations were going in all directions. It wasn't till near the end that Jackie and Barbara Smith Rubino finally made the connection that their granddaughters have been best friends for years and Barbara's granddaughter attends Jackie's yearly Halloween parties! Small world indeed!
We have more pictures of our pop-up reunion on our facebook page at;
Thanks to all the help from the persistent genealogists of the Class of '71 and our own classmates that dug deep into their contacts for clues, our stats now shape up like this:
- Located Classmates - 172
- Deceased Classmates - 57
- Still Searching (some info) - 74
- M.I.A. - 57
This is nothing short of amazing since we started with just 46 email addresses! We have been able to find more than half of our classmates at this point, including Bob Costas!
I got a call from Bob after we reached his personal manager. He say's he'd like to attend. He slowed down years ago but they still call him up to do some projects, especially baseball. If you know Bob, it's all about baseball, so we'll see if he can make it. He was all set to come to our 30th when they sent him over to the Olympics.
He did a write a nice article that appeared in the May issue of AARP magazine about his Father and his first baseball game. I loved it. I lifted the picture from it below. It's pretty telling that he's not just holding the glove, it's still on his hand!

I got a call from Bob after we reached his personal manager. He say's he'd like to attend. He slowed down years ago but they still call him up to do some projects, especially baseball. If you know Bob, it's all about baseball, so we'll see if he can make it. He was all set to come to our 30th when they sent him over to the Olympics.
He did a write a nice article that appeared in the May issue of AARP magazine about his Father and his first baseball game. I loved it. I lifted the picture from it below. It's pretty telling that he's not just holding the glove, it's still on his hand!

Still Looking!
Whatever the case may be that these classmates are off the grid, we are still trying to reach out and let them know where we are and about our up coming reunion, so please let us know if you have a lead!
We've come across a few classmates who never even knew we had a 30th reunion and are happy to be found and look forward to attending.
We know that won't be the case for everyone, but we're going to keep looking as best we can to find as many as we can.
Whatever the case may be that these classmates are off the grid, we are still trying to reach out and let them know where we are and about our up coming reunion, so please let us know if you have a lead!
We've come across a few classmates who never even knew we had a 30th reunion and are happy to be found and look forward to attending.
We know that won't be the case for everyone, but we're going to keep looking as best we can to find as many as we can.
Paul | Allgrove |
John | Bechoff |
Sharen | Becker |
Kim | Beeman |
Patricia | Brian |
Kevin | Brown |
Joyce | Brown |
Carolyn | Burke - DeCesare |
Bob | Burns |
Cathy | Burton |
Maribeth | Caughlin |
Linda | Cohen |
Chris | Connolly |
Laura | Conte |
Tom | Davis |
Laura | Diefenbach |
Debbie | Donner |
Mike | Eno |
Claire | Formisano |
Kathy | Gioeli |
Bob | Hagan |
John | Hagemeyer |
Candy (Eileen) | Hammer |
Sharon | Hanson |
Peggi | Lanza |
Madeline | Laudanno |
Irene | Lindsay |
Barbara | Mahoney |
Michele | Marcovecchio |
Joann | Marshall |
Gary | Martinsen |
Joseph | McCarthy |
Kathleen | McGuinn |
Linda | Mead |
Leanora | Montanaro |
Debbie | Morgan |
Brian | Morris |
Carol | Morrison |
Carol | Patrylo |
Debbie | Pecan |
Bob | Prospect |
Robin | Quinn |
Cathy | Randazzo |
Debbie | Rappaport |
Rebecca | Reyes |
Joan | Roses - Hermann |
Tom | Ross |
Anne | Schaffer |
Paul | Schneider |
Steve | Schonfeld |
Loraine | Siegel |
Curtis | Steinke |
Lynda | Toledo |
Nancy | Toledo - Cici |
Virginia | Walsh |
Jeanette | Winter |
Craig | Zimmerman |
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